
Thatmood.com is an intimate wellness website to help in the empowerment of women. They approached me initially needing a clearer idea of their user base, where I created and provided user personas and a document collating my research. I was approached again later for insight into how the user moves through their website, and I provided a user flow chart with information on how to grow the website for the needs of the user. The client was not looking for a full UX Design process, but rather specific solutions to their needs.

User Persona for That Mood

User Personas

The creation of user personas to find thatmood.com’s user base was heavily driven by research. We created three user personas like this one of Claire. This user persona was picked due to women over 45’s being the biggest age range for intimate toy purchases. I looked into reasons for this including health issue and how we can target this demographic to ensure they are approached sensitively.  

Three user personas were created, all including information on the user, their goals for purchasing intimate items, as well as the pain points. This provided the client a clear idea of who their target audience is and how to target their website to their audience.An extensive document accompanied the personas, detailing the research and thought process in creating each persona.

Research Details for That Mood User Personas

User Flow

Shortly after creating the user personas, I was approached to look over the website of thatmood.com and to determine how the user moves through the website and to note any opportunities for improvement. This was to improve the number of potential customers into actual customers.  

I mapped out each potential journey a user would take from the homepage, including searching for a product, looking over the menu, and looking over the homepage. Various routes were taken and different products viewed to determine the best improvements for engagement. A document accompanied this user flow chart detailing areas of improvement to the website and the next steps for thatmood.com.  

User Flow Chart for That Mood

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